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Emerging Technologies for Librarians : A Practical Guide read online FB2, DJV


Emerging Technologies for Librarians: A Practical Approach to Innovation focuses on the practical applications of emerging technologies in libraries, defining the technologies in the context of their use in real situations. Each chapter includes an overview of the use of emerging technologies in a particular work area that is followed by a list of relevant applications. Chapters cover work areas such as advertising, distance learning, metadata. and digital libraries, and also focus on applications, including mobile computing and web conferencing, followed by a conclusion. This book serves as a guide for those interested in learning about, and implementing, the available technologies that enhance library services, and also lists and discusses the types of emerging technologies that are available for a specific area of work. Discusses and reviews practical applications of emerging technologies for librarians Explores what emerging technologies are available in particular areas of library services Describes and evaluates applications Connects library work to innovations, Emerging Technologies for Librarians: A Practical Guide focuses on practical applications of emerging technologies in libraries, defining the technologies in the context of their use in real situations. Each chapter includes an overview of the use of emerging technologies in a particular work area, followed by a list of relevant applications. Chapters cover work areas such as advertising, distance learning, metadata and digital libraries. Remaining chapters focus on applications such as mobile computing and web conferencing, followed by a conclusion. This book will serve as a guide for those who want to learn and implement available technologies to enhance library services and what emerging technologies are available for a specific area of work. Discusses and reviews practical applications of emerging technologies for librarians Explores what emerging technologies are available in particular areas of library services Describes and evaluates applications Connects library work to innovations

Lili Li - Emerging Technologies for Librarians : A Practical Guide book MOBI, TXT, PDF

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